That is an interesting use of someone's research.
I think that post was a claim to have solved a crime so it deserves a scientific and legal treatment. Following the quote is a partial cross examination of Yanniru's claims that:
(results of ground-penetrating radar show)....those scriptures are now dated to being in India 8,000 years ago, long before Moses or Mesopatania, making the Indian civilization the oldest in the world.....(snip)...The Aryans invaded at about the time of Moses, 1500BC, and abolished all books and previous learning, and established the caste system, puting all native Indians into the lowest caste. They essentially stole the Indian culture and religion, claiming that they brought it with them when it is actually indigineous to India.
Please explain:
1) Has Yanniru left anything out in the way of evidence? (The Aryans are due for criticism alright. Who are they? In accusing them, we should separate what is fact versus what is conjecture. Let us remember what the Bible says about the "chosen" tribes (Hebrew etc.)-- they did a lot of invading and hell-raisin' too.)
2) Did the group in question call themselves Aryans 8,000 years ago? How do you know who was where and what they were doing? Radar shows all that?
3) Who were the Aryans 8,000 years ago?
Not the same as they are now, eh? Are you describing "genetic Aryans?" Then we must know about gene flow and intermarrying patterns. Otherwise, Yanniru might be an Aryan if there is any such thing outside of the fallacies of political labelling -- so would that make Yanniru guilty of those crimes of 1500 BC?
4) Did the "Aryans" intermarry with what you call the "indigenous" people of India? Then they are there now! Did the "Aryans" add anything at all to the culture?
5) I learned about Yoga mostly from a Jewish guy formerly of Harvard, Baba Ram Dass, as well as from the book by Christopher Isherwood and Swami Prabhavananda. From what I could tell, the full teachings of Yoga comprise the best part of that whole body of stuff. A lot of it is interesting as literature, but face it, the whole thing question is a little odd when you consider other factors of gene flow, intermarrying, migration etc.
A real scientist is, first, simply an honest person who puts the time and effort in to honestly deal with the topic.
Accusations ought to be phrased cautiously.