I find the Buddhist concept of 9 levels of consciousness most appealing. So much so that I would like to identify them with concepts in astronomy.
The ninth level of consciousness is embedded in dark energy. Dark energy exists both inside and outside our universe. As our universe expands, it incorporates more and more dark energy, which is of constant density in space. As the universe becomes more spacious, it has more dark energy.
Dark matter, its total amount, is a constant in the universe. I hypothesize that the 8th and 7th levels of human consciousness are embedded in dark matter. Dark matter is a frictionless medium in which vibrations or sound waves can be imprinted forever. It is localized to galaxies. The 6 lower levels of consciousness are physical, the 6th level being our waking consciousness. The lower 6 levels certainly disappear upon death.
But whatever levels of consciousness that can be imprinted on Dark Matter survive death. Even if only the 8th level survives, that still identifies an individual root or karma or soul associated with a specific human being in a long line of human lives. Whether you call that a soul or not is just semsntics.
I think the point of Buddhism is that only the 8th consciousness survives rebirth. The 7th level survives the first death when we pass over into Dark Matter without a body, but the 7th level dies at the second death, when we are reborn. Our karma continues but our ego, our sense of individual identification ceases.
But for some advanced types, the ego being so pure, it persists into the next life, sometimes for just hours and sometimes for months, depending on its purity and strength. But sooner or later the developing ego in the new life replaces the old one.
By the way, Dark Matter being frictionless, is a medium that is completely quantum coherent. Everything exists as quantum waves. Your 7th level of consciousness is a quantum computer embedded in Dark Matter whereas the 8th level is more like the memory of that computer.
"The Lotus Sutra is actually saying that God is our perception of Kuan Yin Bodhisattva, the Regarder of the Cries of the World."
I recall reading that passage. She had to transform into a man before becomming a Buddha. However, my view is that on the 8th level we are both man and woman as we have surely been both during our many lifetimes. Even though Buddhism says that only men can become Buddhas. In reality all of us are both man and woman.
So bottomline. There is a God in Buddhism. It is the same God that sophisticated muslims, jews and christians believe in:
"God is actually the universally compassionate activity of the true nature of reality."
Bottomline is that we are all the same regardless of what our present egos happen to profess. I hypothesis that God is Dark Energy.