You said:
“Not to belabor a point, but if I am a reflection of God's mind, then what does it say about His mind if I don't believe in His existence?
Your question is only valid if you are a perfect representation of Gods mind.
1. If we are an imitation of Him and He is perfection then we are a less then perfect imitation which is capable of illogical statements as in your statement above.
2. We have to be very arrogant indeed to assume He is a less then perfect imitation or equal to us but our arrogance proves we are flawed.
You said:
This is what irks me most, when a scientific principle (like the 2nd law of thermodynamics, referring to a system's total entropy) is misused to fit the creationist's argument.
Hmm... thank you for evidence on my behalf, and interesting evidence at that.
However I was referring to the fossil record in the last post.
You said:
Earth and the life upon it are not a closed system -- solar energy in part drives the system.
Furthermore, in any nontrivial system with energy driving the system, we will see --ubiquitously -- elements of order arising from disorder throughout the system. Hence snowflakes, lightning, crystals and living cells -- none of which require an intelligent program to achieve that order.
The intelligent program is provided by the highly ordered configuration of matter, energy or chromosomes respectively.
Are you expecting me to agree that the thermodynamic laws should be ignored just because you have a philosophical preference for them not to be true?
If that is so, I must say you sound like the dogmatic 6000 year old Earth group which are willing to discard all physical evidence to preserve their emotional preferences.
I hope I have misunderstood your intentions.
Duane |