"... in Buddhism we have to work out our own salvation. We don’t expect a savior to do it for us.
I don't see any evidence that this is true.
Want to flesh it out?
With regard to karma, as I understand it, Christians don’t believe that every volitional action has a consequence. Instead, they ask for forgiveness so as to erase the previous error. This, as I see it, can lead to immorality as there are no actual consequences for inappropriate actions. In Buddhism everyone has another chance—in fact many lifetimes of other chances. But with karma, at some future point, everyone will still have to pay for their mistakes. No free lunches here. You goof, you pay.
Moreover, As I see it, to be frank, Christianity has no system of virtues and wisdom whereby one learns how to become detached from the sensuous world and thereby realize one’s fundamental nature."
Hi, Frank. What are the activities that you do when you are "detached from the sensuous world"?
Would those activities bear examination as to whether they involve some of the other vices, or must we take your word for it?
Nor, have I met any Christians who really know how to deal with their ignorance, desire, and hatred except to pray when they are in a jam. Where is meditation? Where is practice?
This is not a rigorous sampling method. If you draw such a connection between Buddhism and science, as you have previously, why would you not use a scientific sampling method when describing Christians?
Where is the Eight Fold Path?
So, do you believe any religion, to be valid, must have a path with precisely eight folds?
...if Jesus had rid the world of sin, declaring in effect, that sin has no power over us, then what more is there to be done, except wait to die hoping eventually to go to heaven?"
"Sin" is used as a tool of blackmail among non-followers of Jesus. Among His strongholds, it is not.