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Posted by Alan on January 20, 2004 03:36:02 UTC

Details later:

Gravity: it's about defining "4" (and since space-time is also about "4"; you get "curvature of space-time" associated with "mass" (uncertainty) via gravity.


electro: generalisation (like: category)
so involves a BASE for counting: so BIAS, so CHARGE (at least relatively)

magnetism: specification (like: intersection of categories) so involves mixing up over question "which came first"; so when conserved (as magnetic domains)involves "electricity going backwards in time" hence no magnetic monopoles

Weak force:

a pattern juggled out, re-juggled back in. When counted ("conserved" via uncertainty): involves cycles of division. You divide something, you divide again: you have an uncertainty over defining division (as you have a divided division).

But by NOT assuming numbers necessarily are equal-sized; you could get back something lost in the first division; in the second division.

Strong force:

Compare two patterns, make a new comparison. The first comparison is an overlap say of two sets. The second comparison by definition is a different overlap of the two sets. This confines the first overlap's definition.

If you use units assumed equal-sized; the more cycles you go to in making new comparisons the more you will create an imaginary "confinment" of definition by virtue of requiring each new overlap of the sets to be different.

The force is a voluntary one generated by counting and assuming eqal-spaced numbers.

It involves cycles of multiplication.

Similarly the weak force is voluntary; it is about allocations in division; only weak because cycles of division strongly define "division" by sheer weight of counting "division" over and over.

That is why I say the laws of physics are voluntary. They involve kind of pure mathematics; maths seeing itself in the mirror.

Of course they COULD involve "equal space numbers"; then they have force. It is up to you.

"As you measure, so you are measured" seems apt; but why let me count you? It is all open to negotiation. Freedom and responsibility. If we agree on a base; we can create in heaven. If we try to count each other without listening to each other; we bounce back and forth like rubber?

Maybe people say repetitive mantras to generate a repeats-field to try to disrupt any repeats-field they might be in; so get in touch with freedom?

String theory:

maybe like "you're stringing me along"; "no strings attached", etc.

Seems to involve basically the concept of "number-line"; "branes" are like "times-tables" it seems; can explain.

(just quick comments here)


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