Thank you very much Yanniru. This requires a more considered response; I need to type away from the money-drain of internet cafe; then post.
Brief thought at this stage:
The structure I describe re: Leibnitz pi is given as a "hollow" structure of potential paths of communication. It is consistent say with Lee Smolin's idea of space as "channels of communication".
But once you quantify an actual contribution; such as in your interesting description of corporate decision-making processes, what happens to the "structure of potential information exchanges" that Leibnitz pi seems to say describe?
The entire structure is not affected by content. There is no reducing contributions in it as it does not occupy a rigid mathematical space.
Any quantifying of a contribution size does not affect the information-exchange potential (except through the law of non-contradiction).
If you define someone's contribution to a debate as n-units; this does not prevent all other parties to the debate from re-considering all points of view taking the n-units particular view into consideration.
Any apparent bias of the debate due to a particular quantified contribution would require a hijacking of the debate-space by that one contribution? To use numbers to count a particular contribution's scale is to define a rigid mathematics built around that contribution.
But the Leibnitz-pi space is not restricted to rigid geometries imposed by participants; only by agreement between participants could a "transparent" (that is: non-compulsory, built from free agreement) conservation-geometry be constructed.
Alan |