Thankyou for your reply. i appreciate someone who thinks before they write (or speak.)
First, i do not believe in Apoligetics, Christ and His God and father can defend themselves. I wrote the essay to get what I am getting from you. It took twelve years before i chose to "publish" this essay becasue I felt there were falacious arguments (circular, etc...0 but the GSForum "gave me " the courage to post what i felt was a weak position.
1 and 2. Good point but-- if god seeks ultmate "ends" for his creation then by definition he is utilitarian.
3,4,5,10,11. What is true? They are theorems, and therefore truisms. whether they are facts of nature is another thing. 2=2 is a theorem, but does it exist in "reality" or only in the mind of man?
6. Man defines what is evil, therfore he is its author. Good and evil. If murder was good thne it would not be a sin.
Without law there would be no crime, no sin.
That was a statement as if god did not give law and man did. Regardless, my point is that where does evil come from? Man seems to be the only answer, unless you blame the Antagonist:Satan. But i think he gets to much credit for things he doesn't do.
7.For now, please take it as anatural part of the snails biology. I have to get the text. Be patient on this part.
8. Language Removed happens. It depend on where you put your faith. Walking on solid concrete takes little faith, thin ice different matter. I dont trust churches, they should not have trusted their's.
9. I agree, people want to do good, but how can a human know what is good?
12. refere to 3, 5 etc...