The only Michael Pearson working in Astronomy is at the University of Montreal. He is a real astronomer, not the DickHead on this forum:
Researchers & their interests:
Pierre Bastien : young stars and star formation, polarimetry
Gilles Beaudet : stellar evolution
Claude Carignan : kinematics of spiral and dwarf galaxies (Group leader)
Serge Demers : stellar populations and dwarf galaxies
Gilles Fontaine : theoretical and observational studies of white dwarf stars
Georges Michaud : transport processes in stars, stellar atmospheres
Anthony Moffat : luminous stars, structure and dynamics of the Galaxy
Daniel Nadeau: infrared astronomy of star formation regions, instrumentation
Michael Pearson : theoretical nuclear astrophysics
René Racine : globular clusters, instrumentation
Nicole St-Louis : massive stars, spectroscopy
François Wesemael : theoretical and observational studies of white dwarf stars
Astrophysicists at Université de Montréal and Université Laval are jointly members of a research center called «Observatoire astronomique du mont Mégantic». The Montréal group supervises some 25 graduate students and five postdoctoral fellows. On the observational side, the group shares - together with colleagues at Université Laval - a 1.6 m telescope located 250 km east of Montréal. With its CCD detectors and infrared camera, the telescope is particularly well equipped for imagery and spectroscopy in the wavelength range 3500Å to 2.5mm. In addition to their own equipment, staff and students use major observing facilities worldwide, such as the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) and the Hubble Space Telescope, the US National Observatories of Kitt Peak (Arizona) and Cerro Tololo (Chile), the Very Large (radio) Array (New Mexico), the astronomical X-ray satellite ROSAT, as well as several others.