How do I know the meaning of "infinite" and "paradox"?
By context.
How these words are used. In "Zeno's paradox" we are shown a scenario where an arrow is fired at a wall. After the first moment it goes half the distance to the wall.
After the next moment it goes half the remaining distance.
After the next moment it goes half the remaining distance.
Notice if you draw this on a diagram it appears to hit an imaginary wall in mid-air but never reach the target wall?
This is called a "paradox" because in real life arrows do hit their targets; yet "logic" here suggests it couldn't.
In fact the logic appears to be erroneous as a say necessary scenario claim: the definition of "moment" was made by reference to ever-halving distances. The "moments" were thus also being halved each time.
So "paradox" means "apparent conflict between reality we experience and what on the surface looks like logic?"
This seems to in practice involve an assumption of "no end". But curiously:
the idea "1 + 1 = 2" seems to involve "infinity" Like a hyperbola and an axis; the ones may approach each other but are never exactly the same or you wouldn't have two ones in the first place? This is also a paradox? As how can you have two ones and not have them?
God tells us He is "The Beginning and the Ending" and is "Three Persons in One". Paul Martin wonders if God is finite? But how can "beginning and ending" have a beginning and ending? Jesus is "The Way, the Truth, and the Life".
Idea: 1 and 1 are already counted by God. Any additional bringing together is in freedom in Him...
-dolphin |