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Avatar Monkey-man? Nice Story, Richard.

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Posted by Joseph on November 17, 2003 20:14:31 UTC

1. Paul did not re-interpret the word "messiah" - it means the same to Christians as it does to Jews. (They do not think Jesus is the messiah, they are still waiting.

2."The characteristics of Avatars are the same as Christ. Let me give you one example. In the Tibetian Book of the Dead, there is an aspect of god called 'The Lord of Great Compassion' who is available for everybody for salvation. "

This is one of the most pathetic connections I have heard. How can a critical mind (as I assume you have) allow such faulty reasoning as this to continue? There may be similarities, but that does not make them the same thing.

3. "The word messiah comes from Judaism, not Christianity." I have been saying this all along.

4. "Christianity has two messiahs. One is yet to come. And from Revelations another Christ is expected for the third time about a thousand years from now. "

I have never met nor heard of a Christian who believes this. You, of course, know that Christians believe there is one messiah who will "come again" -- thus the commonly heard phrase "second coming." You have here reinvented what Christaians believe. (Do you really believe that Christians believe this?) I am sure you can develop some convoluted interpretation of scripture and use it to support your understanding, but that doesn't make it dogma.

5. Again, based on 4. (above) I will say that you have a dictionary unique to "Richard." I doubt very much that most practicing Buddists would agree with your "Avatars are the same as Jesus" theory. This proves, again, that Richard has his own little dictionary, that no one else has access to.

6. "So with Christianity suggesting three Christs, why can’t you believe that they have been coming along since the human race evolved. Some of the Avatars came in more primative forms before humans evolved. The transition Avatar was half man nd half monkey."

Wow! Here is an entire story made up by "Richard" presented as fact, and no one really knows where he got it from. (Possably an appendix to your little dictionary?)

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