Why do you think I bother talking with you people? To hear the melodious sound of my own voice? If you're reluctant to explain yourself then why do you write here?
I just don't like the particular subject of evolution, at least not anymore than I like to argue with fundamentalists. Did you ever see me replying to a fundie? I don't think so.
This as I see it is exactly your problem. You see the issue as just a matter of preference, much like watching wrestling versus PBS, then, since you view it as a matter of opinion, don't back yourself up.
I don't see it as a matter of preference at all, just as I don't see the issue of being a fundamentalist as solely a matter of preference. To paraphrase myself, I think fundamentalism is Language Removed :-)
Are the mutations that make your children taller or shorter than you random? Are the mutations that give your children more or less intelligence random?
Are the mutations that make American cars bigger than European ones random?
I know, I know, that's a godawful analogy. Any idiot knows it's engineers and intelligent decisions that decide the "mutations" that happen to cars.
And so what even if it isn't chance? Evolution could be a process directed by the hand of God.
You just mentioned the reason I don't like to discuss this subject. The earth circles around the sun - that is a fact. The earth does that because of inertia and graviational forces - that is not a fact, but it's a damn good explanation.
Organisms evolve, and that is a fact. But the "scientific" explanation is not a damn good explanation. I don't even consider it an explanation at all.
Well, as humorous the NRA is when it comes to arguments like this, it at least is logically valid.
I don't care for logically valid. Logic can't prevent a man from going nuts. See my "plagiarized" post to Mike of a few days ago.
Guns aside, I can rest assured that no evolutionist will kill me if I believed in creationism. I, unfortunately, have no such confidence in the reverse situation. If a lot of people in this world who value blind, literal faith above scientific evidence had their way, I would likely be dead now. Shot with a gun, perhaps.
Then there's also this reason why I don't like to discuss evolution theory. It's not about truth, it's about keeping those fundamentalists under control. I'm really not interested in that kind of thing as it's not a problem for me.
I can offer my personal experience and that's about it. My parents are Christian and believe strongly in evolution and modern cosmology. A good chunk of the Christians I know are the same way.
That's because they are not biologists. I read somewhere that something like 90% of biologists are atheists. Nothing wrong with that, but I do see it as evidence that a knowledge of biology exerts strong influence on a person's philosophy.
That's just a linguistic trick, finding out if something is true is impossible.
I hate when people bring that up. I'm quite sure, absolutely sure, that I will die one day. I'm absolutely sure that today is Friday. And I'm absolutely sure that 1 + 1 = 2.
I'm sorry you live with so much uncertainty.
I never said we know everything, I never said science was totally accurate, I know that current scientific knowledge will one day be filed away under the same category as "the four humours" and "phrenology." I just say it's the best we have so far.
It's not the best we have so far. The best we have so far is the same thing which allows me to say, with complete confidence, that today is Friday, that 1+1=2, and that I will die one day. It's not hard you know, any fool can do it.
Taking science seriously and pursuing it as a civilization allows it to improve. Just because it doesn't provide us with anything true doesn't mean it doesn't provide us with anything better.
So tell me, how did evolution theory make your life better? That's the essential question I can't answer, and the reason I call it "Language Removed".