I can think purely in abstract, and I can say what I think, and many people do.
In order to communicate your thoughts, at some point they must cease to be abstract. You may think a lot in the abstract, but you can't possibly think purely in the abstract.
You make a wrong conclusion that the way you think all people think.
I never said that, I realize different people think in different ways.
You are probably good at drawing etc,
I can't draw at all. Not even the simplest shapes.
At the same time people with abstract thinking are often better musicians,
Wrong. All good musicians have one thing in common: an excellent sense of hearing. Musicians understand this very well. When they see someone playing an instrument badly, they don't say "that player has bad hands", they say "that player has bad ears"
music is not only about voices, it's about patterns, but not the ones you can draw
Actually, the patterns of music can be drawn to a high degree of detail. The drawing is called a score.
I think you are confusing the experience of music with the imagery it often creates in the listener's mind. For instance, when I listen to the andante of Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 22 in Eb major, a clear picture of a boat comes to my mind. The sailing is smooth and pleasant at the beginning, then a terrible storm comes, but eventually the winds die down, the sea is calm again, and the boat disappears in the horizon. But it would be foolish of me to think the concerto is about sailing. Like any other composition, it's about tones and harmonies - sound. |