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All Major Christian Religions Believe Paul Divinely Inspired.

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Posted by Joseph on November 6, 2003 23:01:13 UTC

Yes, Jesus confirmed the Hebrew Scriptures. That is the point: he confirmed them and explained them!

Jesus did not say to love your self in John 12:21-31. as you claim. He said just the opposite (was this a typo on your part). Where did Jesus say to love your life, as you claim?

John 12:25: "The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life."

This was not to say you should love your life but that you should hate it.

"But the 'born agains' go further following the teaching of Paul and say that you must die in your old life and your spirit be born again by means of the Holy Spirit, just as the Holy Spirit fathered Jesus with Mary, or else you will be condemned to hell forever, also based on John12:21-32. Read it for yourself."

All major christian religions acknowledge and follow Paul. . . I don't know where you get your information. Catholics believe in the divine inspiration of Pauls writings (and they make up a large percentage of christians world wide) as do Protestants, Eastern Orthodox religions, and Presbyterians. I don't know about the "condemned to hell forever" part; that seems more of an issue of interpretation.

What you are claiming is that Christians world-wide do not believe in the divinely inspired teachings of Paul.

That is simply a falsehood.

Check with your local churches (Catholic, etc.) to see about their belief in "born agian." None of your major Churches will reject the writings of Paul; the interpretations will be different (as will the emphasis on it's importance) but they will all accept that it is the word of God.

If you are interested in truth, I challenge you:
Check with any major Church and ask if they "follow the teachings of Paul." Paul, as they will tell you, wrote the words of God.

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