But he also said to love your enemy and those that persecute you and you will become the son of god. He also reaffirmed the central commandment of Judaism to love god with all your heart with all your soul and with all your intention (BTW- to do so when you walk. My sport is racewalking so I mantra while I walk). He even affirmed the commandment of god via Moses to love your neighbor. So I am not surprised that Jesus would also say to love your life, perhaps meaning all life, or just your self It's in John12:21-31.
So those are not my ideas. They all come from Christ. He even said the whole law comes down to doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. Whereas Paul said the law was a curse.
It is true that all Christians say that Jesus is the son of God and is in fact God. But the 'born agains' go further following the teaching of Paul and say that you must die in your old life and your spirit be born again by means of the Holy Spirit, just as the Holy Spirit fathered Jesus with Mary, or else you will be condemned to hell forever, also based on John12:21-32. Read it for yourself.
The 'born agains' all congregate in a few select churches. Their number is less than 10 million. The number of humans on earth is 6-7 billion. So according to the 'born agains' only one in one thousand humans will go to heaven. That's 99.9% who go to hell. Harv and Eric debated this very point for some time on this forum up to just a few days ago.
Richard |