I got a PhD in applied physics from Harvard in 1966. However, in 1990 I was laid off from ITEK where I worked on laser propagation because, according to the guy that laid me off, I was instrumental in stopping the deployment of (Star War) kinetic kill missiles in space in 1987.
The head of SDI got me the job there in 1988 because by stopping deployment his laser program continued to be funded. His program was finally cancelled in 1990 because, as I told him in 1980, laser propagation through the atmosphere with enough power to kill an ICBM was impossible.
I tried other companies but found out I was black balled. I then tried teaching but found out that my PhD prevented public schools from hiring me because of union rules regarding salaries. I then tried private schools starting with universities, then colleges, then community colleges, then prep schools with the same results. Finally got a job teaching in a Montessori School.
It was fun inventing new games for them to play. My best was a card game and board with a linear array positive and negative numbers. It taught kindergarteners all about addition and substraction including negatives. When you went negative from too many red cards, you went into debt. Too much debt and you went bankrupt and started all over again at zero. Enough black cards and you won the game and retired. So it also taught them about life.
But then my wife decided I should go to med school and become a holistic doctor. She needed more money. So I took 13 pre-med courses in 2 semesters at UMASS and got admitted to UMASS med school. But in my first year there I developed pnuemonia from the heavy load of studying. If I continued that load I got sicker and sicker. If I essentially stopped studying, I got better, but began to flunk out. So I finally just quit and took a job as the Senior Researcher in the Harvard Biomechanics Lab for rather little pay.
There is more but you are probably bored if you even read this far.
Richard |