If you look at the Leibnitz equation for pi:
pi/4 = 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 etc.
look at pi/4 as space-time (4-D) physics defined at "+ 1/5" as area (over 4) perhaps giving impression of pentagons curved by other terms in Leibnitz equation?
and look at the Dr. Dick idea of "circular reasoning in physics" with his partially differentiated simple 4 geometry; it may be quite easy to show why the universe may apear to be a closed finite space of curved pentagons stitched together.
two catagories intersecting can give a definition still zone where they intersect.
A sphere is multi-directional spin of linear-space (diameter). "Direction" involves "3" (as allows an option as to which division of the two divisions in 3 is first and which is second.)
One direction for a linear-space (that is one "3" of a "2") gives a 5-ness when viewed by another? as the definition of the diameter (2-ness) is tied up in the definition of its direction (its 3-ness)?
The diameter (2) view of direction (3) might be called: charge (bias)(2-ness view of 3-ness)(electron goes from A to B: electron as "generalisation" : charge that we observe (from Feynman) is between a real electron and a real photon (that may form an electron positron pair from time to time): call "photon" : "comparison" then with "charge" as "bias" the bias is betwen a real generalisation (electron) and a real comparison.
In physics mapping they might be repeating ways of describing 5-ness; and thus projecting an imaginary overall 2-ness view of 3-ness; by treating 5-ness as area they might think it is pentagons on the surface of a sphere?
time: 3-ness (e.g. clock hand has stationary origin as self-referent point to refer move of hand: so self-referent reference so 3-ness)
distance: 2-ness (from A to B)
directed distance: 3-ness (a bias possible as with A,B,C what order? is described. A,B,C or A,C,B?)
directed distance per time: velocity: 3-ness of 3-ness: gives a two-view of 3-ness: 5-ness
velocity as 5-ness
mass: togetherness: 2-ness
momentum: mass velocity: mv: 2-ness of 5-ness
or 2-ness of 3-ness of 3-ness
mv as 10-ness?
3-ness of 3-ness: agreement on 3-ness (maybe John Cramer's "offer wave; confirmation wave")
2-ness of agreed 3-ness: strings! number lines!
To count you need a "base" (agreement on common ground). 2-ness of this looks like "counting in that base"?)
Why universe seem 90% dark matter? Speculation: A 10-ness view of another 10-ness view describing it as particles (3-ness) in space (2-ness) may generate 10 x 10 uncertainty (100) minus the current 10-ness template giving 90% "dark matter"?
Why the inner 5% of the sun cooler and the next 5% warmer than expected? They say due to W.I.M.P. s (weakly interacting massive particles): actually if you look at the concepts "inner 5%; outer 5%; cool; hot; you might find it involves "how 5 is defined" relative "how next layer 5 is defined" and the mixing of the 5s (by regarding both as a "5") generates 5x5 = 25 generalisation which maybe by definition "cools" the "inner 5" (by giving it a more dense space in which to be defined???? )