Greetings! I am not a buddhist, just seeking a little information. I wondered what the Buddhist opinion of my theory of re-incarnation is. Here goes......
I believe in atomic memory. Like genetic memory but at an atomic level. They say there is an atom of Alexander the Great in all of us, as we break down when our bodies die and our atoms spread out and are re-used. What happens if large groups of these atoms re-join as another life form? Either way the longer the cycle of life goes on, the higher chance of groups of atoms meeting up again. It is also said that should you recieve a kidney or heart transplant you may develop personality traits of the donor, even memories! Perhaps the universe is Buddhist too, working on purifying itself very slowly!
I find it interesting to think that if everyone tried harder to behave in good Buddhist manner their atoms would spread universally, carrying their message with them. You'd need an awful lot though! A drop of blood in the sea disperses very quickly!
Also, bearing in mind people are different, and Buddhism works on the basis that if everyone did it we would find harmony, does it not seem like a hopeless task? Are Buddhists content in the knowledge that their aim will never be achieved in that respect?
As most of us recognise that things break down and are replaced by already existing materials I'm curious about Buddhism's explanation for the spirit departing when it reaches Nirvana. In theory a spirit goes somewhere else and stays there. How are new ones made? Where do they come from? Is there a limitless supply or will everyone wind up in heaven?
I'm intersted in beggining correspondance with someone willing to answer further questions from me. I'll visit this site again soon and see what I get. Thanx for your time!
Ali xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |