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To Yanniru And Bruce (and Dr. Dick, And Paul)

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Posted by Alan on September 28, 2003 10:09:25 UTC

I reckon you guys who probably know the basics of QED as described by Richard Feynman in his book "QED. The Strange Theory Of Light and Matter" COULD understand this!

Posted earlier:

How QED looks circular:

Another sample from rough unfinished physics paper I've been typing:

About quantum electrodynamics: (which Richard Feynman compares in his book "QED. The Strange Theory Of Light And Matter" to playing Chinese checkers; involves the adding of little arrows on a piece of paper (adding probability square roots) to get a final arrow that is squared)

Looks like mathematics; path of least action. Involving distributive law.

(a x b) + (a x d) + (a x e) = 3a x (b + d + e)

Can call this: each "a" separately could be "nut"; each "a x something else" could be "bolt".

"3a" could be three holes in a girder (thinking of "Meccano" building set) x the girder itself as (b + d + e).

What if call 3a x (b + d + e): z a x (b + d + e)?
This can be an "arrow" with direction towards "za" and length made of (b + d + e).

Each (a x something) could be a "probability" (a number in a number).

What if say didn't differentiate between which is in group operator role (z) and which is in sub-group operator role (a)?

(If you count cycles of use of the distributive law you will get conserved sub-operator role spread during math expansion it seems, by way math operates when assume equal-spaced numbers so supposedly get shell effect)

Well if you don't distinguish say between group operator and sub-group operator over cycles of use of the distributive law; you could square the final result of each distribution string and get everyway distribution could happen (so get a grouped "happen" number-space of least action it seems (of least overlap, so a Zeno's Arrow like imaginary math-limit on ability of math-numbers to describe the distributive law for that case.

The final "arrow" gives a scenario where any sub-group operator could have been the super-group operator. So you get an algebra and number potential swapping of roles it appears.

Multiplying Arrows

za x (b + d + e) times za x (b + d + e) :

can regard "za" mixing possibility as "strong force".
can regard "(b + d + e) mixing possibility as "weak force".

Maybe one ""z a" x" can be W+ particle, and one can be W- particle. Potential redistribution of za (every way can have twice/half) could be final za (broadest distribution matrix?) so might give a probability distribution where the numerical description of the "event" as numbers in 4-D is calculated to give the probability distribution of finding 4-D in this meeting of numbers?

So Heisenberg's matrix algebra meets Shrodinger's wave equation it appears.
Maybe QED involves calculating every way a group of numbers can generate a 4-D perspective? If "happen" is numerically confined in calculation work say to 4-D view of numbers in the physics laboratory; then seems possible that QED is kind of circular (Dr. Richard Stafford found circularity).

QED may involve calculating a "Zeno-sphere" vanishing limit for imaginary Zeno's arrows being fired in all directions from any source; such as is describable in ways the distributive law can look 4-D in a matrix of numbers potentially swapping with algebra? That sounds like a fireworks display

Adding arrows:

(za x (b + d + e)) PLUS (ma x (g + h + i)) GIVES new supergroup say involves "na" .

Suppose place arrows head to tail and rotate beginning with fixing a start gauge for zero then rotate first arrow by distributing so zab,zad,zae; zabza,zadza,zaeza; za(b + d + e), za (b + d + e), za (b + d + e). Maybe the final density of za here is twelve ways za can be distributed in groupings with the b, d, and e. This would allow the role of z and of a to be mixed so instead of a defined number of addends as in 3a for (a x b) + (a x d) + (a x e); you have the 3a called "za" so the roles of the number of times "a" is distributed and the number "a" might be containing say, can be swapped.

This means apparently "number" is not being defined except in a Zeno's Arrow density matrix way within limits of the number of algebraic terms to form a maximum area (entropy?) minimum restriction on association, distribution.

The next arrow to be added involves take the 12 za and add that as an addend in the string of addends in the next distribution group.

The next sorting would potentially change the density of the first result in the next result.

Over the adding of arrows one gets a frequency of the first group in the final rotation. Square the final arrow and you get as a final density (frequency) every 4-way of looking at distributive law cycles?

QED might involve constructing a minimum definition of space-time; so that in a space-time the QED description of the event may be its definition in terms of space-time.

-------Regards Alan

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