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Posted by Richard D. Stafford, Ph.D. on September 15, 2003 11:33:38 UTC

Hi Paul,

Woke up this morning with a thought. I just thought I would get it out to you before you go to the mountains. I am posting it on the forum so that others can also express their opinions. I am very curious as to what they will have to say about. I am quite sure they will astonish me.

We have a number of facts that, it seems to me, most rational people will agree.

First, no one has any voluntary control over what their intuition tells them. That is, when they learn new things and come to the conclusion they understand something they didn't understand in the past, their intuition yields what they think that new knowledge indicates and they cannot voluntarily feel that something counter to that is true. That's why the English language has the word "convinced": i.e., to describe that very circumstance.

Second, there is rarely a circumstance where they can actually prove their intuition is correct. In fact, that is why they call it their "intuition". Intuition; noun, 1. the immediate knowing or learning of something without the conscious use of reason. 2. something known or learned in this way.

Third, when it comes to extended logic there are often cases where intuition can be proved incorrect. In fact much of modern technology is a consequence of things which are very much counter intuitive.

However, almost everyone wants the world explained to them in a manner such that their intuition will give them the correct answer. Now doesn't that strike you as a rather stupid and short sighted theme to use in trying to understand the world. It seems to me that any rational person would recognize that, in view of the facts listed above, they want something which most probably can not possibly be achieved.

Why do they waste their time in such a fruitless search? Is it perhaps that they just prefer not to think?

Have fun -- Dick

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