The God forum has more posting than all the others combined.
While some of the terms you use are rather ambiguous,
such as, consciousness level, smarter, above, higher than,
and average person, but I believe I understand what you mean.
The primary argument points to whether or not you believe God.
If an animal has larger brain, in volume or weight or any other physical characteristic, than a human brain, it does not go directly
against the Bible and there is no such Biblical passage to support it.
Does man have dominion over all the animals ? Yes.
Intelligence and/or physical abilities, etc., rated on any scale,
are not the differentiating aspect(s) between humans and animals
in Christianity.
Can a dolphin or a whale make a decision based on right or wrong ?
Knowing the difference between good and evil – this
is the main difference.
Christianity is not about “religion” (or attending services at a church building), though many will try to sway you.
Christianity is about a “relationship” with the one who loves you most.
If you don’t have a relationship with Him, then He doesn’t want a thing from you. In fact, He wants to give you something. Something you cannot buy -- it’s a free gift. That gift is His Son who loves you so much He was willing to die for you. Will you accept His free gift ?
I will be praying for you and your father,
but please don't let a diagnosis of ADHD overly concern you.
I know people with an ADHD diagnosis that function better than
some others without such a diagnosis.
Eric %^)