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Re: Well I Think Your Mistaken On One Thing

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Posted by Nick Mostek/">Nick Mostek on March 23, 1998 12:06:31 UTC

: were do you get this 90 % number??? it is either way of or from a very old sourse : maybe you mean that 90% of the population has a religion but that does not mean 90% of the population believe in a god : for example buddism,Taoism they are religions but have no goods and confusism has no god : in japan some people worship there ancestors and then there are the aithiests : i realy thiunk this 90% god thing is wrong : replies welcomed : steve

Good point steve. Once again improper wording comes around to bite me in the butt. Yes, I would say that 90% of the world has a religion (I'm not quite sure where athiesm lies...), not just a belief in a God. I think that statement leaves out a lot of religious belief systems, so the number would not by quite that high.

On the other hand, It seems like 99% of the population seems to have some opinion on religion :) (a rough estimate.....really rough) -nick

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