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Posted by Tim on August 11, 2003 02:59:52 UTC

"So because evolution it is mentioned in a biochemistry textbook it is proof that the evolutionary idea is necessary for the development of medicines?
That’s a hard pill to swallow."

necessary, i don't know. but i think it does point to the idea that evolution is a useful concept in the logical succesful application and developement of biochemistry and the field of medicine. being so one has to wonder then how it is that evolution is fundamentaly illogical.

"If we were biogenetically designed by space aliens, and not a result of natural selection would that have prevented the development of medicines or would they would have been developed anyway?"

assuming our biological make up was the same in the above arguement as it is now and our knowledge base was the same i would say no.

"My problem is the lack of logical basis for the evolutionary theory."

perhaps you are more sensitive to the likely imperfections in the theory. most theories are imperfect. does not survival of the fitest seem logical to you? how about the "morphing" like similarities that the various species of life exhibit in their physical make up don't you see at sembalence of logic in that progression? how about the shared bio-chemical processes and biological building blocks that all species share, does this not make you wonder about why such substances and process's are shared?

"The laws of physics indicate that all systems
progress toward disorder."

that is a bit of a laymans view of entropy i believe. lets go with it though. disorder with respect to the evolution of species is a subjective term. complexity seems the trend in evolution, disorder could be helpful in that.
but what i find most interesting with respect to life and entropy is that life it seems to me has a chance and "ambition" to overcome entropy.

"DNA information indicates that we did not mutate from another species."

i certainly didn't know that. but i do know that mutations in DNA information within biological systems is common. causes diseases, causes exceptional advantages sometimes also.

"The fossil record doesn’t support evolution either."

much of it does according to my understanding, albeit the record is currently incomplete.

"The more I look for a logical proof the more I am amazed at its absence considering the prevalence of its acceptance."

funny i have just the opposite experience.

good chatting with you,

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