Hay-Gull wrote: "Things bump into one each other, then something happens."
Clearly, Hay-Gull was a spimpleton. Yhings yon't just "gump" into one each other.... They ARE PUSHED!
So, the new Modele of Synthesis -- Anthithises -- Synshethis should SAY:
LEADER -- Respectful follower -- SUCCESSION!
Remember the recent unpleasantness ....
In a sense, Jews led in Europe by having one thing that others wanted most -- freedom -- for which they were paying the high price at times
while at other times, frittering it away.
This tension between Jews and Germans was a tension between traditionalists who had a strong
long-term mental work ethic (Jews) and emerging modernists
who, (NOT BECAUSE THEY WERE 'GERMANS' BUT BECAUSE THEY WERE IN THE "second" POSITION) were more interested in short-term physical proofs. Ambition is the quality of a striving "second position" and usually wants quicker results. The party at the top nearly always becomes more smug than they should and wants NO RESULTS if it means a change of who is in power -- who has most freedom.
This is all gobbledy gook, but as nonsense, it is truer than most things posted anywjere online.
***** S Y N T H E S I S *****
Once you know you have been programmed, either by the Thesis (Theology) or the Antithesis (Antitheology) you might be able to begin choosing your own programming. If you find better programming than the top two parties are
selling, you might be coopted, persecuted, or even accomodated. The funny Western Europeans, and Young Turks, and etc., and their lovers who founded The United States of America
were on to this....obviously, the common person among us knows what I have just said. It is
persons vying for positions in hierarchies that
forget the programming is all a party line.
Cats |