On the face of it, outlawing gay marriages in the 21st Century seems to be pro-family and
a way to sustain the civilization. But on the street level, where it's really happening, that's not the case. Consider:
1) An unskilled laborer comes here from a
fascist, corrupt country whose policies are anti-gay. He may be intermittently unemployed, basically corrupt in his belief system, and
interested mainly in reproducing. In an anti-gay hysteria, othe native tribe's elders can be induced to give away to that the career opportunities that would have gone to their own kind. If they'd have been patient, they'd wind up with more grandkids, but instead are gradually transforming the country into a third world breeding ground.
2) An anti-gay policy favors the increase in numbers of the country or tribe at the expense of those who are not anti-gay.
Unfortunately, folks who are not anti-gay tend
to be more willing to protect individual freedoms
and to consider a minority viewpoint. So being anti-gay helps undermine civilation.
3) The reasons for being anti-gay are rarely discussed, for the religionists have successful bound up their racketeering with some plausible
facts borrowed from outside religion. So you begin breeding more and more religionists and allow them to conspire against those who are not in the hierarchy they are assembling
( based on primal dominance dressed up in theology).
4) You can't rightly remove civil rights by pretending they don't exist because a religious model said so. |