Why are you behaving the way you seem to be now, Harv?
I don't want to be rude to you. You're a terrific guy and very intelligent. However, I get frustrated with you because you won't provide any epistemic assumptions and derive epistemic conclusions (with epistemic reasoning to support those assumptions and conclusions). You engage in endless tautologies which makes people not understand you and think you are weird.
Why does Dr. Dick treat me (say) the way he seems to on this forum?
Dick is being polite, actually. If you really want to understand Dick, then you first have to understand that he is looking for solid arguments against his position. He isn't looking for 'new insights' on his deriviations, especially the heavily ontological insights and assumptions that you bring to the table.
What happened to debating the issues without evading them?
It's really a waste of time debating you Alan. Everything that new poster said about debating in this kind of message board in general is especially true with you. However, I don't think anyone gleans anything of value by debating with you. Your thoughts, assumptions, conclusions, etc, are so (epistemologically) unsupported that it takes days just to get you to clarify what you might possibly mean it terms of an epistemic breakdown, and before one has reached that point you've generally run out of internet funds.
I think if you really want to attract attention of posters, your just gonna have to come down to earth and also realize that you are not as high and mighty at discovering new truths to the universe as you think of yourself (e.g., my work, haven't published yet, etc). Everyone knows that this just an extension of whatever dreams of grander that you see in yourself. It would appear your self-esteem is very high, but you might be overcompensating. |