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To Clarify About Bruce

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Posted by Michael W. Pearson on July 12, 2003 21:09:04 UTC

Why am I so hard on anonymous bruce?

Yanniru wrote to Bruce on June 12, 2003 for the forum to read
"We seem to be in Agreement on Everything."
Bruce says, Pariah I thought you said goodbye while everybody else said good riddance? Get a life moron. That is a personal attack. It was good riddance but Pearson. couldn't stay away. Obviously you were looking for 'someone' to ask you to stay. When that didn't happen you came back anyway. Tsk, Tsk..Get a life knucklehead. whining Pearson Still crying about my not discussing time with you. Dick tossed you a bone so now you are his sychophant. Doctor Frankenstein and Igor. Get a life Are you physically disabled? Its for certain you are mentally disabled. You ever go outside? You have any friends? Shut the frig up. Pariah You should be anonymous. The unanonymous could possibly wind up with their heads up their posterior end due to their behavour on the net. Hve pity on the mentally disabled [mike pearson]. Pity the poor pariah mike pearson. Get a life loser. Pearson the internet nuisance Pariah Pariah nobody cares what you think. You are a nuisance and in need of therapy You are a pathetic attention-seeking nuisance. Lets take a vote.
I vote yes. Mike Pearson is a pathetic attention seeking nuisance. I’ll put you down for a yes…even Mike Pearson thinks Mike Pearson is a attenion seeking nuisance. Considering Mike Pearson's personality disorder an intelligent 'attention seeking nuisance' might seek to remain anonymous. Mike is also a dummy. Anybody disagree with Mike Pearson being a 'attention seeking dummy-nuisance'? You are a troll by definition. The post I'm responding to is a troll 'See Mike Pearson beg for attention'. I might add that you are 'not very bright' (as in stupid). People have 'blown you off' so you become more contentious and troll for attention continually. You are a pathetic (as in get a life ahole) attention seeking nuisance. Pearson is mentally deranged …can't really do much about it. He isn't embarrassed by his behavour or what others think of him. BTW Mike …is his igor. Mike is a liar …or he forgot everything he may have learned. I choose liar based on the comments he has made in this forum. Actually Mike Pearson has been chosen the designated 'waste product' of this forum. People decided to leave because Mike Pearson's breath 'mostly assuredly' smells like 'poo' (based on the comments Mike Pearson has made in this forum). Mike Pearson is delusional… face the music ahole. I appear to be the only sane person who will 'waste a moment' on you. Quit behaving like a pathetic attention seeking nuisance and maybe the 'good folks' who used to post in this forum will give you another chance. BTW Mike …Your art work is 'cheesy' as in fumunda cheesy. Ostracized one..remain ignored. Absolute time is a figment of your imagination. Quit being a baby because I choose not to discuss your 'amateur version' of something that can't be measured or shown to exist. Mike I've lost credibility with you because your feelings are hurt. I'm devastated. Please forgive me. Something coherent. Please don't make any replies to anything I post.

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