The truth (true entity) of things is not found in some far distant realm removed from reality.But in this unwavering focus on the true form (true entity) of everyday reality, never moving away from real things and events (all phenomena). And where and when is the realm of eternal life of the true entity to be found? It is now; it is here.It encompasses eternity.
The "Life Span" (sixteenth) chapter of the Lotus Sutra says: "The Thus Come One perceives the true aspect of the threefold world exactly as it is" .The "threefold world" is the world of reality. The Buddha is determined never to become alienated or divorced from the actual world (all phenomena). At the same time, the Buddha is not influenced by the superficial appearance of the actual world (all phenomena), but instead grasps the supreme truth (true entity) concealed therein and teaches it to others so that they may understand and apply it in their own lives. This is the wisdom of Buddhism.
"True entity" refers to the true reality of life as viewed from the enlightened state of the Buddha, who has broken free of all delusion. Here, all things, all phenomena, are equal, transcending distinctions and differences between subject and object, self and others, mind and body, the spiritual and the material. It is an infinitely expansive realm of eternal life without beginning or end and transcending distinctions of the Ten Worlds.
Nichire wrote: " The true path of life lies in the affairs of this world" (MW-1, 268). Only in the actuality of the "affairs of this world" (all phenomena) can we demonstrate the "true path"--that is, the wisdom of the true entity.
The "Benefits of the Teacher of the Law" (nineteenth) chapter of the Lotus Sutra states:
"The doctrines that [good men and good women who accept the Lotus Sutra] preach... will conform with the gist of the principles and never be contrary to true reality...."
"If they should expound some text of the secular world or speak on matters of government or those relating to wealth or livelihood, they will in all cases conform to the correct Law.
T'ien-t'ai commented on this passage: "No affairs of life or work are in any way different from the ultimate reality [true entity]"