Sorry I was late responding to this. Thanks for taking the time to explain your ideas.
I don’t agree with you that “Science has very convincingly explained how the universe came into being without having to introduce the god-idea”. If you mean by this the evolution of the universe after the big bang, then what was there before the big bang? How did this point of small volume and infinite density come into being? My answer is that God created it. The 20th century genius, EINSTIEN, came to believe in God at the end of his life after many vibrations.
These are the words of a former atheist: “All-of-a-sudden it dawned on me that even a brick wall cannot happen by accident. So, if all of the natural laws in the universe fit together so amazingly precisely, it cannot be a product of chance but it must have been created by God. And God must be only ONE.”
Another creation of God, HUMANS. You’re directing us to a web site about Evolution (I visited the web site before), to stress the point that man and all other living organisms could have evolved from a simple living cell, without the need of external interference. Again, how did this ‘first cell’ come into being? The theory has been reformed and reformed many times, but there are still many gaps. I read this book and it totally convinced me the theory of Evolution is Language Removed.
It’d simply be very devastating if life were all about the 70 years or so one spends in this world, in which no one finds real or long term happiness, complete satisfaction, or rest. And then you die. Is that it? If it is, then we’re all great losers, except those who knew no limits to satisfy their greed, and that wouldn’t be fair. But the universe has a creator who made sure everything in it is fair. Those who have done their duty will be rewarded. And those who chose to ignore his messages will meet their judgment. We, humans, can’t put rules for ourselves. We need help from the creator who knows best.
In Islam, the origin of the relationship with God is love, both ways. You’d be surprised at how much love is stressed in this religion. From my simple knowledge, Buddhists believe that in their next lives, human beings may be reborn as mice or cattle. To me this is very unacceptable and is contrary to human honoring in Islam.
You’d get confused with all the religions there is. But as I said before, we believe there’s only one God and He sent many prophets through out history, from Abraham to Jesus to Mohamed, peace be upon them all.
In Buddhism, the life of monks and nuns are very difficult and they are limited to very small property. In Islam, we don’t have monks. And this verse explains Islam’s view
”Say: Who has forbidden the beautiful (gifts) of Allah, which He hath produced for His servants, and the things, clean and pure, (which He has provided) for sustenance? Say: They are, in the life of this world, for those who believe, (and) purely for them on the Day of Judgment. Thus do We explain the signs in detail for those who understand. Say: the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are: shameful deeds, whether open or secret; sins and trespasses against truth or reason; assigning of partners to Allah, for which He has given no authority; and saying things about Allah of which ye have no knowledge.“ (Quran Chapter ‘The Hieghts‘ verses 32 & 33).
Since Buddhism lacks any faith in an eternal afterlife, it does not urge its devotees to be better or develop themselves, to beautify their environment, or to advance culturally. Islam always urges its adherents to seek out and apply themselves to what is better and more beautiful. Islam's dynamic moral teaching requires people to research and learn, to develop themselves and be useful to their communities.
Yours truly,