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Yanniru: How I Slowed The Sound

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Posted by Alan on June 18, 2003 02:50:47 UTC

Hi Yanniru, have to cut back on internet to save but briefly:

If you write something; or I write something; specially about this kind of subject:

each will try to make sense of what the other says by reference to his own background.

There is the possibility of mis-understanding; of seeing something written in a very different way to what the writer meant.

I feel what I wrote has been transcribed into something it doesn't mean to say here; i.e. I think there is some mis-understanding.

I did say exactly how I slowed the sound down:
there is nothing dangerous about that particularly; as I see it.

Lots of people have different kinds of sounds in their heads; the "noise" I was referring to is very likely quite different from many of the experiences people have (which may be of a different nature). So it's risky assuming one person's noise is of the type of another.

This "jet engine" noise was at the time a very rare event (though I think is probably more common in very young children); it occured in a state that came from sleep. I was able to slow it down because, as I said; I had say 5% lucidity, or presence-of-mind; that is the wake-version-of-me had enough presence to explore this experience.

I had already built up a lot of experience in letting my mind wander freely and documenting what I found by gently noticing what exists. I already knew that there was no such thing as "crazy" (i.e. the word :"crazy" denotes "dispute" or "censorship" or "lack of understanding"; in other words I was not into bowing to the dictatorship and repression mentality say often found in psychiatry)

I already knew about the idea of taking responsibility for my actions and thoughts; I was not coercing or manipulating myself; I was able to control the noise because I was used to free non-repressed exploration of phenomena in my mind. Like not taming a wild horse; but harmonising with it and riding it without breaking it.

I was able to control the noise for the same reason smartguy could direct his dream; I was lucid enough to explore the experience (gently, letting be; not force) without breaking it.

I agree there is danger out there: the apparent dictatorship over human behaviour by pschiatric thought police looks horrific; not just allegedly troublesome individuals could get locked up and chemically tortured etc. but the whole population terrorised into repressing personal awareness; in to repressing of "incorrect" thoughts; of "forbidden" insight.

Psychiatry etc. can tend to a situation where almost a whole population can be discouraged from taking personal responsibility etc. and discouraged from inner-space exploration by medieval-like fears of the unknown and by a modern version of witch finding.

I'm puzzled by your comments of "sound outside the body"; I'm not clear you mean auditory-sensations re-created by the brain as if they were sourced externally; or something else.

I never said the background was a barrier; only that it appears to be a superposition of all sense-data from one's life; and audio and visual data can be derived from it.

OBE: I had one when skiing very very fast: I figured it was a case of external-sense-data on my surroundings coming in too fast to be processed usual way; so my brain switched to auto-pilot and I felt for an instant I was differently-conscious; as if my center of awareness was outside my body.

If you hesitate to jump off a tall fence or to jump over a high jump; you will be aware of the issue of synchronisation: the need to "go with yourself". If your body is accelerating uncomfortably fast on skis going straight down a steep slope at high speed; you may not be able to "keep up with yourself" So: OBE.

In fact if you read the literature on OBE's and how to have them; people deliberately confuse themselves re: their body-coordination with change in space; to trigger an OBE.

My experience of floating around was not an OBE. It was a very different (and awesome) experience.

I figured out what it very likely was: just as if you spend all day hearing bagpipes at a Highland Games; and later in a quiet environment you may occassionally seem to hear the sound of the pipes briefly, seeming to really be coming from externally; ANY sense can be recreated by the brain in realistic manner I think.

The example I gave is really good for research because one of the problems with this subject is getting so-called objective results. But a group of people hearing pipes all day; then traveling a long while at night on a quiet highway: they most likely will ALL get the sensation of hearing sounds as if externally-sourced yet internally generated.

I figure that my floating experience was a sense-data-replay of my body's location in space (probably re-playing being lifted up when a baby).

Whatever it was; it occured in association with amazing sounds in my head from a state entered into from sleep.

I can sort of see how the transparent everyday background sound may be see as a protective device, screening awareness of thinking-sub-layer activity where thoughts are constructed from dream-like pattern association and an internal drama or theatre where various peoiople say the various words and phrases from which thought is constructed. But I don't think of it as a protective device; but as a quantum superposition.

It is very sad your mother was coerced; we need laws to guarantee the right of every person to be protected from assault by would-be saviours.

I am puzzled why some people think they have to obey "voices": voices that I reckon everyone has in a sub-layer drama theatre from which word-thoughts are constructed. However, evidence from tests apparently shows that so-called shizophrenic voices are generated by the same mechanism that generates the "inner-voce-in -one's-head" that people are used to doing their verbalised thinking with.

Maybe the answer there is to teach people who are so allegedly afflicted by voices; to take responsibility for themselves; explore the phenomena; know that they do not have to not-obey or to obey; but can operate in freedom in freedom.

It is said that the more you try to contol a person, the more they may seem to lose control; and a cycle of responsibility-evasion can get worse. But ironically the answer to so-called schizophrenia appears to be less control. They might be making a caricature of their society by acting as if they have to obey the voices; exposing the concealed fact of parents dictating at them in their childhood and parents acting as if the child "has to obey"?

What I'm saying is that many supposedly negative aspects of behaviour, may be ways of revealing a major fraud in society: if parents dictate to their children and babies, in massively coercive fashion; forcing themn to become an act so out of touch with the actor the person becomes lost; so-called schizophrenics who "obey voices" may be exposing this socially concealed scandal of apparent parental coercion, by re-experiencing word-thought-sources as voices, and re-experiencing child-hood repression as "having to obey".

More freedom, more responsibility is needed, not more dictatorship (by parent-substitutes called "pscychiatrists" whose job appears to be to break those people who were not fully smashed already?)

I don't mean to judge parents; society coerces them to coerce; would be nice if everybody let each other be and was much more conscious.

I'm sympathetic to the views of professor of psychiatry Thomas Szasz. From him I learn ideas like that "schizophrenia" is the name of a "justification" used to coerce people who are an alleged nuisance. Psychiatry is typically fake medicine; numerous fictitious illnesses have been invented for the purpose of evading personal responsibilirty; evading social disputes, and to justify the coercive control of alleged social nuisances.

Genetic and other claims of psychiatry collapse under scrutiny (and if there was anything genuinely medical in psychiatry, it would be kicked out of psychiatry into a real medical specialty like neurology.)

However patterns of behaviour can be passed on in families by example/ methods of raising kids being repeated etc.

What is needed is to take away the witch-finding industry's power base; with no coercive powers for psychiatry (and it could be classified as a religion). Social behaviour disputes can be dealt with on mutual-respect grounds by dispute-mediation measures. Surely no one should be coerced to be "saved" by some group of would be "saviours" in the name of their version of what is correct human behaviour; let alone tortured by medicalised tortures?

Psychiatry should compete for followers like any other religion or superstition in a free market.
A non-invasive personal-dispute and personal-behaviour help system could be set up for those who wish to increase their options in life and increase their freedom. Thomas Szasz wrote "The Ethics Of Psychoanalysis" which describes an example of a freedom and contract based personal help profession.

There seems to be some mis-understanding: I do not have an "outside sound"; I do not have a problem (other than I would like to be more fully alive; but who but me and newborn babies know what I mean by that?)

Each to his own; but I reckon there is a lot that people can achieve by exploring inner space; letting be and being; whatever exists exists; so any objections you have about anything are real thoughts too; so reality is infinitely gentle as it includes everything you think.



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