"It was The near execution at Tatsunokuchi amounted to a rebirth for Nichiren Daishonin. In other words reveals his true indentity as the original Buddha or one who percieves in life that eternally one with the Mystic Law. He later said in his biography in "The Opening of the Eyes" that... "this person named Nichiren was beheaded" (MW-2). As his post-Tatsunokuchi writings testify, the man who emerged after his brush with the executioner's sword was decidedly transformed. This is not to say that the Daishonin underwent a change of heart but that the time had come for him to reveal his true identity. "
It seems clear to me that the above quote is saying that the consciousness of Nichiren Daishonin was beheaded and replaced by the Buddha consciousness. In other words, the words of Nichiren Daishonin after this event can be interpreted as the Buddha, what most of us would consider god, were being channeled through the body of Nichiren Daishonin. It seems from the New Testament that the same thing was happening to Jesus, except before and at the end of his ministry. That is why Chraistians think that Jesus was god. He was channeling the words of god.
The following paragraph copied from your post suggests that Shakyamuni was also a channel of the universal Buddha. Only difference is that Shakyamuni was enlightened ahead of time. There is no evidence that Nichiren attained the enlightened state before being beheaded.
"T'ien-t'ai had drawn the same distinction between the Shakyamuni depicted in the first fourteen chapters of the Lotus Sutra and the Shakyamuni in its second fourteen chapters. In the first half, T'ien-t'ai had said, Shakyamuni was merely a person who had attained enlightenment in India. In the second half, he was a Buddha who had attained his enlightenment in the unimaginably distant past and whose Buddhahood continued from that point to exist for all eternity. "
Finally you have specified in the following copied paragraph what it takes to be a Buddha, rather than just a channel of one.
"The universal Lotus Sutra is the teaching in which the Buddha reveals and makes accessible to all people the Law that he himself has become enlightened to, the Law for attaining Buddhahood, so that all may achieve true happiness and ease."
No way can I believe that a japanese mantra can replace the Lotus Sutra. I think that is blasphemy. Of all the thousands of Buddha preachings throughout all the kalpas, never was it taught in Japanese until Nichiren came along. Nichiren has not given a single new chapter of the Lotus Sutra.
His mantra may be worthy and powerful. But it can never replace the Lotus Sutra. Those who teach so should seek forgiveness from the Buddha.
Such things from your remarks are done by Bodhisattvas, but are not meant to be replacements. Here is where you essentially say that.
"Or, if we regard the twenty-eight chapter version as the comprehensive form, Bodhisattva Never Disparaging's twenty-four-character Lotus Sutra would be the abbreviat-ed form. "
The same thing happened in western religions. The main mantra of Moses is to love the lord your god with all your heart, all your soul and all your might. Moses also told us when to say that mantra, which was several times a day plus whenever walking.
Now Jesus stated the the sum all the law and the prophets was this mantra plus the commandment of Moses, mentioned twice in the Torah, to love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus did not mean that this mantra should replace the Torah. It was, just as you call it, an abbreviation. But in essence Christianity did replace all the Torah, and not even with that mantra. Christianity does not recognize the 613 commandments of Moses in the Torah. They have been replaced by an abbreviation.
And so what I see in all your posts is the inclination to replace the Lotus Sutra by a mantra. Big Mistake. |