Just like herself. God is created out of the total consciousness of the galaxy of a black hole in the mother universe before the baby universe comes into being, black holes being the source of the creation of baby universes (according to some string theorists like Greene and Smolin, who now disavow their prior according, it being too much like religion for a respectable physicist).
In our own galaxy our collective souls will eventuality merge into the central black hole and be separated from us into a new universe. That is what it means to create humans in god's image. It's more accurate to say that humans are created with the imagination of God. God is conscious or aware and humans are the means to develop consciousness or awareness.
I put a high level of probability on the concept that human consciousness can be collected into a god consciousness. The black hole story is consistent with known but unverified theoretical physics, but is just a lower probability mechanism by which the consciousness could be collected and a new universe created.
It is just as likely that the collection mechanism is ongoing and once humans achieve a certain degree of maturity, their consciousness is absorbed into the Godhead, like the Buddhists going to Nirvana or nothingness. The individual identities are lost. Not an enticing prospect for me. I would rather be me for a while longer.
Does any of this make sense?
yanniru |