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The Same Question Arises With Respect To Evolution

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Posted by Tim on April 20, 2003 02:10:03 UTC

hi eva,

sorry i'm not an astronomer either, but i do enjoy sometimes looking up at the sky late at night when it is cloud free. also like thinking about the information that astronomers have gleaned over the years since Galileo first peered through a telescope. so please bear with me for a small comment.

the process of evolution and the results of it is another area for which the question of intelligent design may be posed. the best known example of such musing follows:
(forgive my imbelishments and ommisions as this is from memory)

first let us agree (or disagree) that the process of evolution is a "mindless" process.

now the story...
Darwin takes a walk in the splendor of nature. along this walk he see's many species of both plant and animal life. as he walks along he thinks the thoughts that he is so well known for about the theory of evolution. then along his path he stumbles upon a pocket watch laying in the grass.
"aha", he realizes as he pick up the watch, "i've discovered a product of intelligent design".

now let us compare the pocket watch to say one of the sparrows that Darwin saw on his walk. the sparrow that he so ingeniusly fit into his "mindless" process of evolution theory. just look at the sparrow, its beauty, consider it's complexity of biological functions, the life that resides in it, it's ability to fly and sing. now that little bird it is a product of a "mindless" process but the soon to stop ticking if you don't rewind it pocket watch that hasn't any life to it even when it is ticking, this watch that can't even accurately keep time, full of springs, levers and flywheels well it is a product of intelligent design and it can't fly even if time does.

so it is left to us to decide, might there be an intelligent design behind the "mindless" mysteries that human intelligence is unable to fully discern?

regards, tim

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