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Re: What Really Happens When You Die

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Posted by Phil.o.Sofir on January 19, 1999 13:31:09 UTC

: Suppose you were to strap a pound of C-4 plastic explosive : to your neck. When it detonates, all of your senses are : destroyed instantly (preventing further stimulous), all of : your memory is destroyed, and your ability to think is : destroyed. What's left? Nothing. Time ends for you right : then and there. However, suppose your head was magically : repaired 10 minutes later. Once you were back together, no : time would have passed from the time your head exploded to : the time you were repaired. The last thing you would remember : is the flash of the explosion, and a sudden "jump" from that : instant to the instant you were repaired. Keep in mind it doesn't matter : whether it was 10 minutes, or 10 billion years. Time has : ended for you, and this is what death is: the end of time for : you. If you want to know what its like to be dead, try : remembering before you were born. Before you were born is the exact : same thing as after you die. Both times were/are when your body : was/is not functional. Better yet, a deep, deep, sleep : is somewhat close to what it is like to be dead. You know- : one of those nights when 8 hours seems to pass like 30 minutes.

Well, you go on in two ways that is not disputable, genetically, and experiance wise. You're children are a living continuance of what you once were, secondly, those you have effected through experiances retain memories which are meaningful as well as useful. The combination of both in you're children is the closest thing that nature can provide to our conception or notion of afterlife or souls. It is our main purpose, to continue life, and ensure our childrens survival in a unsure living world. I am thankful to the universe, nature that I have had the opprtunity to exist as I have, and do not regret that it ends, for all things do. It is useless to pretend that we will continue our conscience after death, so I stopped dwelling or counting upon it and try to get all I can out of life while I am sure I can live it. Of course this does not mean materialistic gain and capitalism's version of success, to provide the nessesities and some security and comfort is what I aim for, the rest is overkill. However, to control large amounts of money, infuence or resourses would most definately make things easier, it is not worth what you sacrifice in the end, meaningful relationships, family, freinds. Nothing else really matters.

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