i think was one of the polarities King refered to.
you'll have to forgive me as i'm refering to his book only by memory. my copy was burnt up (by my wife years ago, she defended her actions claiming i was obsessed with it and not paying her attention :)
so far when i try to answer your question:
"What do you think about the idea that the sources of good and evil might not be opposites either, but degrees along a continuum?
I say sources becauses good and evil are _not_ physical qualities like hot and cold, but instead are attributed by judgment."
i only come up with circular reasoning that is indeed very annoying.
but don't worry Mike i don't blame you :)
i will give you a glimpse of how i've been thinking with regards to your question.
science indeed categorizes many physical properties as opposites in a relative sense.
doubtless you are correct with respect to temperature readings falling with in the scope of relative meaning. which would mean that motion is relative hence one could stipulate a reference point as still with regard to a given
observer point of view.
however -273 celsius or 0 kelvin if i recall correctly is a point along the temperature scale that can not be reached. The definition of the absolute temperature scale has the distinction of being independent of the properties of
matter. the second law of thermodynamics prohibits the existence of an engine which completely converts its heat input into work as would be possible for a Carnot engine with a resevoir at absolute zero. the point being no such engine can exist.
taken from King's perspective it would seem reasonable that God alone could exist at absolute zero. again we would be speaking of a timeless, unchanging being of absolute stillness here. this would be a point independent of the
properties of matter, space-time,thermodynamics, relativity or any of the laws of physics except for perhaps the principle of uncertainty in my view.
i say except for perhaps the principle of uncertainty because it would seem possible to achieve absolute zero in the same sense that virtual particles flit in and out of existence with out violating the law of conservation of
assuming that God is good and good only, evil could only exist in the universe. goodness could also. it would seem that evil could transform into goodness if uncertainty allowed a pathway out of the universe.
and here is where i get stuck.........
regards tim