Here is the title plus the first few lines:
Strings Attached: New Study Puts Limits on Physics of Extra Dimensions
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 02:54 pm ET
26 February 2003
Just ahead of a bandwagon of theoreticians suggesting the discovery of extra dimensions might be just around the corner, a streetwise inquiry into the potential effects of these additional "spaces" has come up as empty as a gas tank during an oil embargo.
Theorists are unlikely to be sobered by the new study of possible effects on gravity in tiny spaces, however. The research is useful in that it puts an upper limit on the distance at which strange new physical behaviors might yet be detected. Further, it explored only one possible manifestation of extra dimensions.
There are three known and obvious spatial dimensions -- the x, y, and z coordinates of basic geometry. Time is considered a fourth dimension.
The article essentially says that evidence for extra dimensions has not been found yet.
That last paragraph was brilliant!!!
Anyway, the EPR effect remaons the best evidence for extra dimensions. As physics should be 'local', as postulated by Einstein in his Theory of Relativity, and the EPR experiments display non-locality in 3 space dimensions, the suggestion of string theory is that physics may be 'local' in 9 spatial dimensions. The extra dimensions are compactified and connect the EPR particles by a string of 6 compactified dimensions.
The article goes on to say that physicists are hoping that the extra dimensions will indicate why the universal expansion is accelerating.
Yet the article also says that no extra forces can be found down to submillimater scales. The extra dimensions, if they exist, must be of that size.
So it seems onvious to me that extra dimensions cannot explain that acceleration.
What is needed is an extra force at cosmic scales.
Allow me to make the following proposal, which comes from my thinking about consciousness. As most of you know I am proposing that there is a consciousness in Dark Matter and that the key problem with this proposal is that we cannot even detect dark matter, except through its cosmic gravitational effects. In short, if dark matter contains an axion component that supports consciousness, what is the coupling mechanism between the axions and the brain.
There are two possibilities, called in short the smart and the dumb electrons.
Bohm Theory is based on SMART ELECTRONS. He says that the electron is sufficiently complex to sense the landscape of the axions in dark matter, and furthermore can self-propel around obstacles, as they are known to do in superconductors.
Bohm bases this claim on the 20 orders of magnitude between the scale of an electron and the Planck scale. String theory is now saying that it's very complicated even at the Planck scale. So in this model, the electron is conscious and has will power. Your thinking sets up the axion landscape of your mind and the electrons in your brain then navigate thriugh that chaotic maze. Well, some of us may have orderly thought processes.
In the DUMD ELECTRON model, the electron is essentially like a point particle with a new charge "C", different from its electrical charge "Q". The axion condensate also has a charge "C". This new undetected charge has the opposite behavior from Q (where unlike charges attract). For C like charges attract and unlike repel. And AXION C charge can accumulate because axions have interger spin or no spin at all.
So what then happens, except for Cooper-pair layers of unlike charges, is that all the plus charges accumulate in isolated sections of the universe, and all the minus charges accumulate in other sections. Search for Father Jerome's site which elaborates on this model without much physics. He says the negative regions are hades.
Since unlike C charges repel, the sections of different charges exert a cosmic force on each other causing the universe to expand at an increasing rate. In ordinary religious language, heaven and hell are driving each other apart.
For a long time I had a problem with this model because if C charges attract, then the axions should collapse into a giant black hole in each galaxy. Well perhaps some of them have. But it turns out that axions are so massless that their wave functions are huge. So huge that they cannot collapse to the size of a black hole. I estimate that they are at least global in size, and probably more like the size of the solar system.
Gravitational data that was once explained by MOND, supports the idea that our solar system has a local clump of dark matter, beyond which the gravitational pull on probes (that we monitor, like the Jupitor probe) increases. MOND could explain this, but is dismissed for experimental reasons, and dark matter density fall off beyond Neptune can also explain it. MOND was a topic of discussion on this forum some time ago.
Still there remains the problem of the dark matter that exists beyond the plane of our spiral galaxy. I can only imagine that there are clumps of plus and minus C charges that mutually repel each other, or that the wave functions are galactic in scale, or that electrons are smart.
I wish I had the expertise to publish these ideas. So I am left just boring the hell out of you guys with them. But it is a god & science forum. Someone should discuss the science relevant to god.