Sheesh...that was a long post.
I would presume, based on your ramblings, that you equate "anglican empirialism" with western culture aka Christendom, in general.
Not that the West hasn't exhibited attributes of empirialism, but I think the defining attribute of western culture is that it was born out of the Judeo-Christian religious philosophy.
IMHO, this battle that rages between the radical Islamics and the West, is based, at least in part, on culture envy.
The US is the pinnacle of western civilization, in just about every category you can think of. This, like it or not, is an affirmation of the Judeo/Christian brand of the relgious thought over all others, including of course, the Islamic version.
The typcial secular westerner bristles when the radical Islamist defines the war as a battle against the "Crusaders" by Islam. Ironically, the Islamist has a better handle of the history of the west than many a modern westerner--in this instance at least.
The West IS Christian.
One of the reasons so many of the pillars of western culture have been attacked from within by the political left, is that they too, are uncomfortable with the implicit affirmation the American experiment has provided for Judeo-Christendom.
Freedom of religion is freedom of thought and conscience. Before it was written into the Constitution is was revealed by the WORD of GOD, as the Living GOD of the Bible Himself, will not make you believe in something unless you choose to.
The sanctity of human life wasn't conjured up by some agnostic secularist, it was ordained by GOD and written into the founding documents.
We owe the modern concept of freedom and human rights not to Islam, not to the secularists, the modern "philosophers" [Hume etc], not to the ACLU, but to GOD Himself.
And the men who had the wisdom to apply it.