Every now and then I like to put some physics question before this forum as most of the posts have to do with god instead of science or both.
Also, I prefer to introduce my ideas here before publishing them elsewhere as then I can get you guys and gals to contribute to my papers for free.
So here is my new idea. It has to do with the non-locality of quantum mechanics. Here is a link to a good article on it:
The relevant part of the link is the first portion having to do with the EPR experiment.
The EPR experiment proves that two equal and opposite particles produced at a point and flying off in opposite directions remain connected as if they were still one particle. That is called non-locality.
That link is about Bohm Theory, which is one way to introduce non-locality into quantum mechanics. What I propose below is that superstring theory can also be used to introduce non-locality into quantum theory.
As such the EPR experiment is then evidence for the truth of superstring theory. As far as I know there is no stronger evidence for the validity of string theory.
The superstring explanation is so simple that I am wondering why it has not been used before. That always makes me think there is something wrong with it. But nevermind. Here is the argument.
In superstring theory, fermions or particles of matter with spin 1/2 like electrons, protons and neutrons, and the quarks they are made of which have both spin 1/2 and 3/2, can only be made in 10 dimensions of space-time, 9 dimensions of space and 1 of time.
However, our world has only 3 space dimensions. So physicists conjecture that 6 of the 9 space dimensions fold up or roll up into planck scale cylinders that cannot be detected. Thatprocess is called compactification.
[As an aside, a book supposedly written by Abraham, but at least hundreds of years old, called "The Creation Book of Abraham", explains how the six dimensions roll up, two in each direction with opposite spin. It this evidence of a creation god?]
So in the EPR experiment (by the way, EPR stands for Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen) the two particles, usually photons of opposite spin or an electron and a positron, are made in 9 space dimensions. But they only separate in three dimensions. They remain connected in the 6 compactified dimensions which form a tiny undetectable line or string from one particle to the other.
So then in the EPR experiment when the properties of one particle is measured, like the direction of its spin, the other particle instantly knows what has happened to the first.
This happens faster than the speed of light, and Einstein first proposed this experiment to prove that quantum mechanics was incorrect. But the experimental results prove that relativity is wrong as the effects on one particle are know by the other faster than the speed of light between the two particles. So relativity turns out to be incorrect.
In Bohm theory it is thought that when two particles of any type interact and fly apart, they remain connected to a certain extent. This is also explained by superstring theory as the collision of the two particles happens in 9 space dimensions and the compactified dimensions of either particle get entangled for a while, perhaps until the particles interact with some other particles.
So this explains the non-local effects of quantum mechanics. They are non-local in 3 dimensions, but still local in 9 dimensions. This is evidence of the existence of at least ten dimensions in the universe, but it is not proof of ten dimensions.