positive [soul compositions](male sperm) negative [soul composition](female sperm)
-> soul (produced)
-> body (processed into physical DNA & Gene soul enigma key for soul transition [reincarnation])
-> person (perfect Homo-Sapien with slight epilepsy syndrome in infants which will fade according to growth)
->death (the life ends in the physical body, but the soul is as always in the veins [veneral systems] according to the Judeo-Christian belief to be termed the fowlers snare. Hallucinations and fish breathing)
->religion (elements producing manipulation, exploitation and fabrication in the origin (of the universe "Tau Lepton") of the soul releasing a hail of so-called heaven and hell on earth. Quite similar cohering hydrogen empowered technology supposed Angels reproducing heaven and hell, known to have came from Mars [Jews] and Venus [Christians] and other parts of solar systems.)
->Soul Incineration (The soul is as Gods personal essence. Now the possible point in the incineration process of a soul is to incinerate or incineration of the soul in Gods Essence [and not angelic, demonic, satanic or others.] As we believe the first man created by the father is of Gods own essence. Once the incineration process affirms never a single atom or of that much smaller is left. [Non-Existence])
New International Version Bible
Algebra & Trigonometry, NY
Dr. Maurice Bucaille
The Gospel of Barnabas
Anarchists Web Network
Date: Late January 2003
p/s:[refering to the editor for some clean up]
reason: Thought reprogramme into self-stupidity