I believe (and re-iterating an earlier thread I wrote),
We are conceived and then we are born.
Our conception came about for various reasons (I would like to believe that it was out of love and to carry forth life).
We are born, live life, and then we die. Just as we see other living things come about and go, we too, are no different. That is the simple course of life. I don't think it is any more complex than that.
What makes us think that we end up somewhere else after our blood flowing life has ceased?
Where were we before we were born?
My perception is the following:
We are a set of thoughts and feelings before we are conceived and born. Who's thoughts? Our parents, and any one else who "Knows we are giong to be born."
Then, we are born. And we exist outside the womb and begin relating and reacting to this world of people, places, and things. We love, we share, and bring forth more life.
And when we die, we become thoughts again. These after thoughts are known as memories. And those memories reside in the flowered garden of people who we related with / to when we were living.
Is there a possibility that it could be that simple? Nothing beyond that. No heaven. No hell.
We do not think much about our arrival into this world but we definitely put forth a lot of thought and energy into where we go when we depart. Why?
What is important, in my mind, heart, and soul, is how I relate to you in "The Now" or "The guts of life itself".
And I hope, that when I depart (hopefully no time soon) that I have left you with pleasant memories and good things to share with others. That I have ammended the wrongs that I might have brought forth to others. For I am not perfect.
I am human... |