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Posted by Aaron Viviano on January 7, 2003 01:50:05 UTC

"Well depends on the size of the comet. Perhaps if it 1/4 the size of earth. But that isn't very likely"

I agree that this is probably the weak point in Dr. Hovind's theory. He argues that the frezzing of the north pole caused a weight shift. I don't think we can question the idea of a comet in the past hitting the area, The mamoths did freeze way too fast for it to be anything other then an ice commit. (The mamoths were frozen compelty through and they were whole, in normal winter tempetures they would rot in the middle before the mamoth could completly freeze over. Which is why you need tempetures of about -275 degress or below to freeze them like that.)

"Well, what controls the earth's orbit? Its distance from the sun. The earth's velocity around the sun is based strictly and really only on its distance from the sun. So the question is how could a local event on earth effect how far the earth was from the sun? The answer? Short of blowing up the earth, nothing could."

It would really only take a slight change we are just talking about 5 days. If the comet (an ice comet)was large enough it could change the orbit enough. Most likely however, the comet it self wouldn't make enough of a push, but still prehaps with the sudden freezing of the north pole it might cause enough of a weight shift to change the orbit. But I do not claim to know enough to either challange or accept his claims. (Personally I think there a little out there, but I don't know.)

Has any one tried to do calculations based on his theory?

-Aaron V.

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