Ruquist writes about the Akashic Records:
"Could be a myth There of course is no scientific evidence. The evidence is subjective, being a product of DR. But it is still evidece.
The fact that you are not familiar with this evidence does not prove anything except that you are not knowledgeable in esoteric religions like Theosophy."
First off, a main purpose of evidence is to
supplement subjective experience.
By your system, Direct Revelation would support
my own experience that there is no other evidence for the Akashic Records. We need another category of support....not just Revelation...and
we call that category "evidence."
What do you mean by saying I am not familiar with "this" evidence? Everyone has direct revelation of Akashic Records? (I have Direct Revelation that you and our President both have an advanced degree from an Ivy League university that are kept in files somewhere There may actually be scientific evidence of this...)
A look at the picture.
You stated that you spent a career as a scientist.
* You allow Direct Revelation to be evidence for the existence of Akashic Records.
* You allow (that I am not knowledgeable in Theosophy) to be proven by not being
familiar with someone else's Direct Revelation.
These are quite unscientific uses of the words "evidence" and "proven."
Regarding theosophy, about which you say it is proven I am not knowledgeable:
without looking anything up, I
remember Annie Besant being a founder and helping endow the teaching career of J. Krishnamurti. I have seen three Krishnamurti films and read a few thousand of his words.
I believe I posted a message citing a an idea from a book, The Soul of the Universe, by Albert Einstein's friend Gustav Stroemberg, which I purchased in a Theosophical Society bookstore in 1977.
I have heard a talk about Rudolf Steiner at a Psychic Fair in Seattle which mentioned the Akashic Records. I have read several books about which you are probably ignorant. But I probably forgot the evidence for Akashic Records because for many years, I tended to devote my mental resources to things for which there was more evidence. Claims of Revelation are very easy to find.