(I may have asked a similar question in the past.)
This is one question of a few that I will probably post as different topics to keep the questions from becoming one as they so often do on forums.
I realize that I have a lot of unfinished business on this forum in the form of unanswered questions. I will look through the archive and find questions I never got around to answering. However, I would appreciate it if anyone has a question I have yet to answer would repost the question... or any additional questions having been asked or thought of during my absence. Thank you.
Is consciousness constantly renewed? By that, I am asking if we are constantly ‘dying‘, and being ‘awakened’ in a cycle that repeats itself trillions (trillions = a high number) of times per second. Each ‘awakening’ is a 'spark' in either the processing or transmission of information. Each 'death' is the time in between the 'sparks'. We see that as time passing because of the information stored in our minds. In a sense, this means each time one of the 'sparks' happens, time is starting over for our consciousness. This also means that life as we know it does not exist. Our protection of our own 'life', and ’life’ as a whole, is in vain.
That thought has crossed my mind many times, each time I go a little farther into the idea, but each time I have refuted the idea, although I can never remember why. I am curious of what everyone thinks of this idea. Mainly because I have never heard any idea like it before. Hopefully someone will relate to it like the idea about God ‘not existing, but still existing’ that I posted a while ago.
Warm Regards,
Phillip Martin |