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Posted by Chris Duncan on November 7, 2002 03:45:05 UTC

That a future existed? Time may not be linear, it may not "pass" as we percieve it. Einstein showed that time was relative. Time is dependent on the measure of some other constant...speed.

If you and I were to get into rockets and head in the opposite directions from each other, both traveling at the speed of light, our relative speed would be greater than the speed of light, so maybe the speed of light isn't the cosmic speed limit. Because if someone were to be standing still(relative to each of us), it would seem to the third person that time had stopped for each of us....but if you were to look back at me, and I you, time would seem to be reversing, would it not? So time doesn't seem to be a one-way street. Time may be circular in some way.

And if God is the "Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End", he could be outside this circular time logic, just as spectators watch a car that never ends. So, if you have seen the race more than once, you already know how it will end.

It is my belief that if a being can create time, or even better, existence, would be a very impressive feat. That is pretty strong evidence of omnipotence to me.

Just my thoughts.

Warm Regards,


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