"(1) How did the Universe Originate ?"
If you mean how it got to where it is, I agree, for the most part, with the big bang theory. If you mean where did the matter in the universe come from... I have never thought of anything that satisfies me. The best that I have thought of is that the matter has always existed.
"(2) How did Order Originate ?"
Order originated from chaos. Gravity pulled atoms that were close together, which made spheres. Those spheres started revolving around each other because of the net attraction between them, but rarely collided because of their momenta. They were spheres because that is the most efficient shape for volume. Electrons revolve aroung nuclei in atoms. Atoms make up planets, satellites revolve around their respective planets, and those planets revolve around their respective star, in a solar system. Solar systems revolve around in groups around in a galaxy. Galaxies are spreading out from the center of the universe, where ever that may be. Perhaps Universes even revolve around something. That is a generalization of my beliefs.
"(3) How did Life Originate ?"
I believe, for the most part, in the theories of Evolution and Darwinism. I think that there was some sort of "primortial soup" perhaps billions of years ago. In this soup DNA was made, it was the only chemical that replicated itself faster than the soup was destroying it. From that DNA evolved single-celled organisms that converted the gases in the air into carbon dioxide. That carbon dioxide, slowly, formed an atmosphere which allowed the earth to cool (by reflecting light, disintegrating meteors, etc.). Once that happened, more omplex organisms began to evolve that turned carbon dioxide into oxygen. Then, more complex multicellular organisms. They evolved into continually larger organims, and the amphibians were eventually evolved. The amphibians, eventually, evolved into animals that only lived on land, probably going through a state somewhat like turtles or horseshoe crabs. Animals began eating eachother, and then needed protection. Plating evolved, and I think that once plates and other defense mechanisms evolved, that animals stopped changing so vastly in such relatively short periods of time. The dinosaurs were born. Archeopterix (or however you spell it) was the predesessor to the modern bird.
"(4) Was there a Cause for People ?"
Once the larger land-dwelling dinosaurs went extinct, the defense/offense period came to an abrupt close. That left more fragile animals to take over. The primates were born. They used intellect, rather than brute force, to solve problems more than previous families. From them evolved Homo-sapiens, us.
"(5) Do you think the human body was the result of intelligent design or chemicals arranging themselves by chance ?"
I believe that the human body evolved by the demands of nature. Not chance, but not intelligent design. I do not think that a God (intelligent being capable of intelligent design) had to be involved, and that no God was. |