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Re:buzzard's Infinity
Forum List | Follow Ups | Post Message | Back to Thread Topics | In Response To Posted by dave on February 8, 2000 20:59:46 UTC |
: Maybe I used the wrong word "absolute infinity" to describe the highest order of infinity. Maybe I should have said that truth was infinite to the highest degree. The absolute "void" (or space) itself would infinite to the highest degree as well since any subsection of it could be mathematically visualized as an infinite number of points and so on ad infinitum. I get the impression that some of you think that the absolute void is God. And what about the idea that everything around us is at the center of every subatomic particle, the highest order of infinity of Absolute Space (or God) at the center of every mathematical point (or physically speaking, every subatomic particle? Any feedback? +dave here: Don't confuse, Mr. Buzzard, absolute void with the fiction of an absolute space. Spacetime is a function of mass and an absolute void would be devoid of any mass, thus no space. Spacetime is only relative to the existance of mass. Absolute void exists before, during and after spacetime, though the terms "before" and "after" any existance of time are meaningless. Absolute void could only have broken it's initial inertia with pure will power (consciousness: this will always be the one unprovable point, according to Godel's Incompleteness Theorem which says the scientist must be able to prove something from oustisde the system being proved and how can one get outside of something which has no spacial meanings such as outside or inside... so we are only left with faith that the void is conscious...until one experiences the conscious void...God!). Once Will Power broke from void, the dance began, providing the fundamental tone for our harmonic universe to unfold... initial angle and initial speed so perfect that we can exist and surf the web. God is not a thing. God is the pure will which created everthing from nothing, according to harmonic law, what we will one day refer to as the unified field (Einstein's "superflous" ether). Buzzard, infinity is the outsretched limit of the harmonic overtone series, and even in its extremes, overtones are still very mathematically limited (in-finity means not bounded). If harmonics fall from their necessary phase relationships then entropy increases too rapidly to allow anything but the equivalence of white noise, unless refreshed by more harmonics. The void and it's harmonics is the only absolute. Space and infinity are merely results following natural laws of the void. Okay? |
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