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Posted by Aaron Viviano on October 13, 2002 00:15:50 UTC

"If you read you might know that the dinosaurs were by far the not only victims of the K-T extinction."

Yep I agree. Though I beleive it was climate change you are obviously correct that more than the dinosaurs died durring that extinction.

"Evidence in anthropology indicates that humans lived shorter lives."

I have never heard this and I would like to hear more about. Oh and I read part of the Carbon Dating article you sent me. Fancinating reading, but I haven't finished it yet so I can't comment.

Saw something about new fossils being found that pushed compex life back to about 1.2 billion years ago. If they keep finding more and more complex life the further you go back that will be a problem won't it.

"Silly kid."


"Geological science is complex. Rock formations are moved by the earth and can be pushed on top or inbetween rock layers of different ages."

Then why did they find a human skull under a 250 million year old layer? Obviously there isn't enough time for something like that to happen.

"This is completely delusional."

Yes it would be for every "species" to fit on the ark. How ever we don't know how many speices there are so saying there are thousands more is just a guess though most likely correct. Also when God sopke to Noah he said Kinds not species so while I do think it is folly to say that every species was on the ark, saying that every kind may not be impossible at all.

No offense Sam, but some of the things you said about current evolutionary theory are wrong.


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