***Wow. Those three paragraphs are all explained. But I'm probably still a troll in your mind, due to your irrational thinking.***
You explained nothing other than that your parents did you irreparable damage by home schooling you.
***How about we take a look at dogs for a minute. A miniature poodle and a Saint Bernard are both dogs. They are vastly different, but they both came from the same 'dog' some time ago. There is, however, a limit to the amount of difference a dog can change. A Saint Bernard, given infinite time, will not change into a horse (for example). There is a limit genetically how far this change can go. This is the same with the Buffalo-Bison thing. Both from the same original kind on the ark, and adapted to it's enviroment over several thousands of years. But these Bison, given infinite time, will never change into elephants (for example). You see this point?***
Bison evolution is entirely different than elephant evolution. You don't expect Bison to evolve into elephants anymore than you expect a fly to evolve into a mosquito.
However, as far as cattle and Bison (genus) are concerned, the American Bison (Bison bison) and cattle (Bos tarus) evolved from a common ancestor in Asia named Leptobos sometime between the Pliocene and Pleistocene (when Leptobos went extinct) [McDonald, J.N., 1981, North American Bison - Their Classification and Evolution, University of California Press, Berkeley]. Both are part of larger Bovini taxa which includes the domesticated water buffalo, the African Cape buffalo, the wild Indian buffalo, the dwarf water buffalo (i.e., the Celebes ox), the tamarau of the Philippines, and all true cattle. The evolution for these taxa go back approximately 5 million years (I'm sorry, I'm not an expert so this is the best estimate I can find).
What you would have us believe, I suppose, is that dogs evolved from a 'wolf kind' and that is as far as it goes. The cows and buffalo's evolved from a Bovini kind, etc. However, the fossil record doesn't show this 'cut-off' as you would like it. Rather, if we look at the fossil record 5 million years ago, we merely have to look back another few million years to see the ancestors of these animals living 5 million years ago.
What you won't admit (and cannot admit due to your home schooling indoctrination) is that once you accept evolution into different species (e.g., Bison evolution of species), natural genus evolution (e.g., Bos and Bison evolution), and even evolution of families, then you have completely eliminated whatever boundary that you think exists to prevent further evolution. The fossil record shows gaps, but you accept those gaps by the mere fact that we do not have a complete fossil record showing evolution from Bison to Bos, yet you accept this evolution without so much as a concern for the fossil record. Given that, it is obvious that having exact transitional fossils is not even necessary for evolution by your own account of macro evolution.
***The fossil record does not show a clear ascent from single-cell organisms to man. This was my point. Your last sentence does not make sense. Please clarify.***
Huh? I can't believe this. The radiometric datings of fossils show nothing more clearly.
***As I haved repeatedly posted, the dinosaur-on-the-ark problem is not a problem. The dinosaurs were young, therefore took up little space. There are many stories of carnivorous animals being vegitarian. I'm not saying this is what happened, but it has happened before.***
Sam, you are being utterly ridiculous. There are hundreds, in not thousands, of known dinosaur species. Most of these creatures probably had off-spring who were born larger than a car. This just demonstrates the lengths you will go to believe in ridiculous pseudo-scientific ideas. What I don't understand is why you simply don't place dinosaurs before the flood. Not that it makes you more rational, but certainly some light must go off inside the young mind of your's. You cannot be so indoctrinated by your parents that you will accept the most ridiculous explanation. Well, I guess you are otherwise we wouldn't even be having this 'conversation'.
Harv |