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Posted by Phil.o.Sofir on January 28, 2000 01:46:19 UTC

: 1) Famous Christian argument: : "Satan has so cunningly manipulated the bible with so many translations that it's HARD to tell what is from God and what is From satan."

: If it's so difficult to tell which parts of the bible are really from God, and which are from satan, how can we believe scripture is very : acurrate? If it's so inconsistent that it contains both good and evil, to an atheist, it just seems like it was written by men. : Why doesn't God clear up the confusion? IF there really is only one world view that God accepts, and that one world view is Christianity (white man's burden-imperialist-contemptible) he has not made it very clear. Why is that so hard for an omnicient deity? I have come to the conclusion that many things are remarkably difficult for this being called God. I don't see God anywhere. It seems to me that a God that "knows me better than I know my self" isn't : trying very hard.

: That is why, I have rejected christianity, even though I accept the central premise of "love your neigbor." Christians are now trying to create a one world religion... it's christianity if you haven't been paying attention to the past few hundred years of human history.

: If god is the kind of person that would put me in a world of vast confusion, and then send me to hell (or sorry, I'm sending myself?) because I can't tell the difference, then so be : it. If that's the case, I see no difference between satan and god. Is that my fault? NO it's God's fault for being so dam unclear and ambiguous. What's his problem anyway?

: 2) God is like Your Father analogy: pretty self explainetory "God.. is, well, like your father"

: Why has this so called father left me to fend for myself in an endless see of contradicting beliefs (bible is fulla them). The christian explains that I'm not looking hard enuf, and that God is "always reaching out" for you. This "reaching out" is highly ineffective I've discovered. Why are there so many atheists? Why can a God not even prove his own existence? Yes, I do have a problem with the way the world is at the moment. Things are horrible. We will destroy ourselves if things don't get better. : Oh but we're doing this to ourselves right? OF course we are. But this so called father thrust us into an overwhelming situation that leaves us "praying for his assistence." Oh well. This assistence seems to be at least 11% effective. Good enuf I suppose.

: It is arguments like these that turned me into an atheist. Howz that for irony?

***I sense more than a little emotion in there, I thought I was the only Atheist that operated on more than simple reason! :) I a glad to see that, unless I am totally mistaken

***The world runs on emotion/instincts, everything else is secondary to the prime director of humanity.

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