Hi Phillip
You wrote:
"I will answer anything that you want me to, to the best of my knowledge."
Interesting that you make this promise, as it is not binding.
Interesting too because I believe almost every time we are asked questions in this life, they are the wrong questions. One of the few times they ask the right questions is when they ask a driver if they have been drinking.
So I am going to give you an essay test which
cannot be a bad way to measure your awareness
-- since even more than a radio talk show host, I actually do know the right answers.
You are not expected to know all the answers
and your reply will be 'evaluated' as if you took only two minutes on each and just said the first thing that came into your mind...
that way, it will be known as simply a chance to make some comments, not as your "final" answers.
But please be fairly near your real opinions.
I suggest each answer should be about 50 words or less -- which constraint helps justify any incompleteness, and also indicates your ability to get to the point.
2 Political, 2 Religious, 2 Sex
Try to bring Science and God to Bear on these
with great insight, but indirectly, so they
need not be brandished in the final language.
So here goes:
1) In what ways was Franklin Roosevelt taking the government in directions when his team identified large-scale needs of the United States such as National Park facilities and rural electrification and then hired folks en masse on the government payroll to do those?
2) What should the major networks have done differently in their coverage about the "Whitewater" & "Bill and Monica" prosecutions by Kenneth Starr et al. and Congressional Republicans, in light of the fact that several important matters apparently went undone during that "passion play"?
3) Imagine the Biblical Jesus knocked at your door and you answered. Even though you did not believe the Biblical story in your heart, you believed Him because he was truly awesome -- or had a fabulous mind control device which made you feel extremely sure that you had not lost possession of your intellect or good judgement but were meeting someone super, super specially kind... and because He didn't insist you were mistaken in your prior belief...and He explained that He had returned, but not in the way expected...and He wanted a little of Your time to get to know Our time on a person to person level -- You being the only person he would contact before "going public" -- So,
What would you tell him about our times and our dilemma -- summarized for this answer in about 50 words, though You might employ more words in actually conversing with Him?
4) For singing in religion, what would be better -- songs of law or songs of protest, and why?
5) What can be discussed in a forum such as this
on the topic of sex -- if you had to guess what the webmaster will allow and what he would not, what would be a 50 word summary of that?
6) Alan has said something to the effect that our society's strong interest in sexuality is a sign that our pre-sexual stages have been lost
in a trade for adult pleasures which are probably
less pleasurable than the pleasures of children.
Just for the sake of that version, (and you don't have to declare you really believe that),
if that were incontrovertibly true and became known as fact by some scientific measure of pleasure,
what should 1) children do
and 2) God do
to bring about some kind of change for the better?
(25 words for each -- and we're leaving adults out of the question just for now, since they're always having their say already.
Well, you volunteered. I hope you like challenges.
Warm regards,