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Re: There Is Only One Dimension That We Are Aware Of
Forum List | Follow Ups | Post Message | Back to Thread Topics | In Response To Posted by Phil.o.Sofir on January 26, 2000 01:50:19 UTC |
: Phil.o.Sopir, : A Mobius Twist only has one dimension. Though it is only a theoritical form, its 3D counterpart demonstrates its one dimensional property. A single twist in a piece of paper and a pencil placed upon it. The paper drawn along beneath the pencil and a solid surface until the pencil drawn line meets itself once more demonstates the Mobius Twist is one dimensional. Even though the paper is 3D, even though the trace of the pencil is 3D, since the pencil never moves, and yet traces a line back to its own origin, it demonstates the one dimensional property of a Mobius Twist. : A Rainbow Only has One Side. It is One Dimensional. Even though as an arc, it seems to be Two Dimensional, Step to the other side of a Rainbow, and the entire arc of the Rainbow disappears. It IS One Dimensional. : All Four Dimensions Are Real. Atomic Clocks have proven it. Your perception of Time IS unreal and invalid because you fail to appreciate Time As A Dimemsion in and of itself. Einstein Knew Better then you do my friend, you just don't want to accept it! :o) ***Hi Greg, I do not suppose to be anything like Einstein, he was real smart! :) It is probably my own determined denial of what the experts tell me. Then I think of the past experts that everyone listened to, although they have not been "proven" wrong, the world view in general has replaced them with scientists, which is great! But I just cannot bring myself to agree with anything that does not make sense, no matter how special the specialists are, they have been completely wrong over the historical record, that is how we eventually find what is right. Discussion plays a huge part in theory adaptation these days, unfortunately science is still very biased against anything that digs at its roots. As faras the rainbow, it is not one dimensional, it can be percived from billions of vantage points, but not from the opposite side, you are again refering to perception, the same with the atomic clocks, and the twist. All of them are a part that we chose to focus upon in a certain manner, allowing us to decieve ourselves. The rainbow is made up of a prism effect of the atmosphere, the clocks lose a billionth of a second due to speed of movement, and the line if put under an electron microscope looks like mountains. How about a one way glass/mirror, from one side you can see the other, but not the other way around, this only means you cannot percieve more than one dimension of it, but cast a bright light upon the darkened side and you can see everything perfectly. Nothing has only one side, it takes volume for there to be anything at all, and this is dependent on the three mesurments of h/l/w or however you want to express them. Of course I am only playing with ideas that make sense to me while not accepting assumptions that are already accepted/assumed to be factual. |
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